Sunday, 7 November 2010

Gold Medal


Well done for all students who represented the Team this weekend, especially Yves Soyfer one of my good friend and student, just won his first World title after submitted 3 fights, it is not too bad for a first competition. ;)
Yves is a example of dedication, training everyday between one meeting and another.
Thanks God keep blessing his life and our team.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Monday, 25 October 2010


Today is my birthday, and for 18 years I dedicated my life to BJJ. I would like to know from you guys......
How important is it and what difference does it make to start training as a child?
And to what extent would this benefit the character and personality of the individual???

Thanks guys..

The best comment will win a New Lagarto T-shirt
auuuuuuu..... ;) see you on the mat.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Carlos Gracie Jr


Leave me alone Men

Hard road

Mount Teide or, in Spanish, Pico del Teide [ˈpiko ðel ˈtei̯ðe], is the highest elevation in Spain and the islands of the Atlantic (it is the third largest volcano in the world from its base, after Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea located in Hawaii).[1] It is an active volcano which last erupted in 1909 from the El Chinyero vent on the Santiago (northwestern) rift and is located on Tenerife,Canary Islands. The volcano and its surroundings comprise the Teide National Park (Parque Nacional del Teide in Spanish).
How hard is your road?
I think everyone thought about it before, Although, your life seems difficult, remember it could always be worse. Be thankful for what you have at the moment, enjoy and appreciate life as it is.
No matter how big the problem is, there is always a way. Life can seem like a volcano or like a paradise, depending on how you see it
There is a beautiful saying; “There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.’’
O Teide é um vulcão situado na ilha de Tenerife (Ilhas Canárias-Espanha). Com uma altitude de 3.718 m e aproximadamente 7.000 m de altura sobre o leito oceânico, é o pico mais alto da Espanha, e das ilhas do Atlântico. É também o terceiro maior vulcão do mundo a partir de sua base. O Teide é um estratovulcão do tipo estromboliano.
Seu caminho e difícil?
Acho que todo mundo ja pensou sobre isso, acredito que por mais difícil que esteja sempre pode piorar, dai seremos sempre agradecidos e apreciaremos melhor o que Deus nos proporciona todos os dias.
Depende como iremos olhar nossos problemas, podemos olhar isso como um terreno vulcânico ou como o mar liso do Caribe.
Depende como olhamos a vida, amo a frase: " Nao existe caminho para felicidade, felicidade e o caminho!"

Saturday, 23 October 2010


I created this blog long time a go but just now i am putting my attention on it. I believe Jiu Jitsu is not just a sport but a lifestyle also.
Jiu Jitsu and my faith in God save me couple of times, and i believe can also save your life...

Fala galera!!
Criei esse blog ja algum tempo, mas somente agora estou me dedicando mais ao mesmo.
Eu acredito que Jiu Jitsu nao e somente um esporte mas um estilo de vida.
Jiu Jitsu e minha fe em Deus ja me salvou por diversas vezes, e acredito que possa fazer o mesmo em sua vida.

Some times you must have to turn your back to the hard train.. I believe that is part of the training and the development of the athlete, it behooves us to accept that in a healthy way, and make it a lesson and even a different kind of training! I've been in this situation a few times, only God knows the time deliberately, and when that time comes there'll be ready to adapt my training and my life for one more step. Right now the challenge is to overcome the injury of my lower back then i will be able to play in the upcoming competitions. But as i spoke before, i adapted my train to that moment so i am doing a physiotherapy and swimming everyday at 7:30 am 3.500Mts.. Uiiiii.....ahahah.... The best example of adaptation is being monitored by my friend and Personal trainer Fabio Prado with my physiotherapy sessions. By the way Prado is a good example also, he suffered a serious injury on his leg sees this as part of train and take advantage of that to train other things, diet, mind, up body, flexibility, even play a guitar, with an enviable sense of humor. So always we will be able to do some thing, we must listen to our body and respect it...

Algumas vezes precisamos virar as costas para o treinamento duro, acredito que seja uma parte do treinamento e do desinvolvimento do atleta, cabe a nos aceitarmos isso de uma forma saudavel, e tirar disso licoes e ate mesmo diferentes tipos de treinamento, eu ja me encontrei nesta situacao algumas vezes, somente Deus sabe oque ira acontecer, e quando acontecer algo, la estarei, pronto para adaptar meu treinamento mais uma vez, pra mais um passo.

No momento o desafio e superar minha lesao na lombar, dai estarei pronto para brincar novamente nas futuras competicoes.

Entao como eu havia falado anteriormente no momento adapetei meu treinamento em sessoes de fisioterapia e natacao, toda manha as 7:30 la estou nadando 3,500 metros todos os dias. Aiiiii…

Que um exemplo melhor de adaptacao do que fazer sessoes de fisioterapia aconpanhado pelo meu amigo e preparador fisico Fabio Prado via Skype.

Por falar no Fabio ele e um grande exemplo em se adaptar, o cara sofreu uma lesao serissima na perna e com isso ele aproveitou para treinar coisas que antes nao havia tanta atencao ou ate mesmo tempo, como flexibilidade, mente, parte superior do corpo e ate mesmo tocar um violao, isso com um senso de humor invejavel.

Ou seja sempre poderemos fazer algo, precisamos escutar nosso corpo e respeita-lo.


Imagine cold waterfall after a hard session of conditioning train... This one and many others that i believe are connected with the BJJ lifestyle. Surf, Yoga, Ginastica Natural, balanced diet, away from drugs...... "Keep body and soul healthy it's wise and a sign of longevity"
HI GUYS!! I created this blog long time a go but just now i am putting my attention on it. I believe Jiu Jitsu is not just a sport but a lifestyle also. Jiu Jitsu and my faith in God save me couple of times, and i believe can also save your life...